
The "Journées du Campus d'Illkirch" (JCI) are a major scientific event which takes place every year in the spring since 2001. This event offers to the participating research units an opportunity to present their current work and researchers of this campus have a chance to learn more about research carried out in nearby laboratories and good reasons to meet together!

The JCI meeting comprises scientific communications (oral presentations and posters) generally presented by PhD students and post-doctorants who are working in the campus' laboratories. This is often for them a first opportunity to present their most recent results to an audience of non specialized scientists.

Four prizes are awarded to the young participants, two for the best oral presentations and two for the best posters. The recipients will be given 600 €-value travel grants for the two best presentations, and 200 €-value travel grants for the two best posters. These prizes are intended to fund their venue at a scientific meeting or their initial visit to a lab abroad while looking for a postdoctoral position.

In addition to these communications, a session offers lectures on a selected scientific topic. These conferences are followed by a debate and every participant is invited to join the discussion. Short sessions will introduce academic technical platforms or start-ups located nearby on the campus to present the activities and services they are offering to our scientific community.

Created and organized by the former IFR 85, the JCI are managed since 2009 by the research units from the CNRS, the Université de Strasbourg and the INSERM located on the Illkirch campus: the "Institut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire" (IGBMC : UMR 7104 - INSERM U964), the "Laboratoire de biophotonique et de pharmacologie" (LBP - UMR 7213), the "Laboratoire de conception et d'application de molécules bioactives" (CAMB - UMR 7199), the "Laboratoire dʼinnovation thérapeutique" (LIT - UMR 7200) and the "UMR Biotechnologie et signalisation cellulaire" (BSC, UMR 7242).

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